Neighborhood News
Landscape committee info
Posted on Sep 1st, 2009

Fellow members of Herbert Street Station HOA,
On behalf of the Landscape Committee, Craig Schiele and I would like to thank Bob Castro (unit #7) for his help on the Committee. Bob and his family recently moved to Okinawa, Japan for a new assignment with the Marine Corp. His time and effort on the Landscape Committee are most appreciated.
If you would like to volunteer to help Craig and I oversee landscape issues, please contact either of us via email. You can find our addresses on the HSS website under the "Directory" option.
The Committee deals with landscape projects, upkeep, and is the liaison between our Board of Directors and the company we use to keep up our common areas. The time required is a few hours a month at most. We can always use a few more people so that the projects are always under our supervision and completed in a time manner.
Thanks again to Bob Castro and we hope you might step in to fill his shoes.
David C. Matthews